Friday, March 23, 2007

In Dog We Trust

When Kate and I were living in Sharon, Conn., we used to walk over to Jack's package store after all the important morning "business" was done to pick up a Poughkeepsie Journal. Jack's store got a couple of copies every day; the Journal didn't deliver to Connecticut; I was a steady customer since I worked from home most days.

Well, Jack -- who is the unofficial "mayor" of Sharon, a volunteer firefighter and a hell of nice guy -- kept a box of dog biscuits under the counter. He would see us walking up the street and have the biscuit ready as soon as Kate and I entered the store.

She always plopped her paws up on the counter in eager anticipation of a morning treat. We used to joke that Kate had him well trained.

Does your dog or cat or whatever have you well trained?

Or is it something more sinister?

According to the folks at Obey the Purebreed, there may be a revolution approaching.

Sure, they want you to buy T-shirts, bumper stickers and posters, but, come on. A chihuahua as a dictator? Something with that small a brain can't rise to a position of power ... can it?

1 comment:

Barbara GF said...

My Tuxedo cat, Giacomo, has me well trained — he is my early morning alarm clock. All 20 pounds of him jumps up on my bureau at 5 a.m., waits a bit, to see if I will respond, and then, if I don't get up right away, he starts tip-toeing around, picking up my earrings or bracelets or whatever's within his grasp and drops them to the floor. That gets me up in no time, and I usually land with a foot right on one of those sharp stud earrings!