Tuesday, December 29, 2009

iPhoning it in

I've always wanted to do a year-end round up of the best of the year-end round ups.

But I'm way too lazy to do that.

The next best thing is a mashable.com's 10 best iPhone apps for dog lovers.

A couple of these I've written about before (Off Leash and Fail Dogs), but the rest are new to me.

The thing about an app like Off Leash, which is sponsored by Eukanuba, or Pet Services Finder from PetMD, is if you are looking for a dog park in an area that isn't heavily populated, it probably won't be there unless you email the information in yourself. Last time I checked none of the dog parks in Dutchess County were listed in Off Leash.

Other apps, like dog first aid also from PetMD, could come in handy, even when it costs $1.99.

Then there is an app like DogiDuty, which gives a dog walker an easy interface to communicate to an owner just what Fido has been up to. Though at 99 cents I think I would use the notepad app that came with the iPhone and can also send emails.


Bill said...

First aid for dogs, just like first aid for humans, is an effective combination of knowledge, supplies and skills, put into action for the benefit of your four-legged friend.

Bev said...

Hi! I work in Consumer Relations for Eukanuba. We depend on folks to let us know where the dog parks are---and we would greatly appreciate an email from you telling us what we've missed. We regularly send out new releases of this app with updates to our list of dog parks based on user feedback. A big thank you to you for any help you can give us that increases our accuracy.