Monday, July 6, 2009

It's the look

I was driving up Route 9 yesterday on my way home and I saw a Jeep ahead of me in an adjacent lane.

It was a warm day, so the windows were down and, much to my dismay, I saw a dog with its head sticking out the window feeling the breeze

That is something I disapprove of, so I was surprised, as I got closer, to see the pooch wearing goggles. Like an aviator.

I couldn't safely get a picture of it, but as soon as I got home I hit the Enterwebs.

Sure enough, someone makes googles for dogs.

Doggles, they are called.

I can understand there might be times when a dog in a rescue or search operation could be better served by having eye protection.

And they do look kind of cool.

But silly, or functional? You decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea. The owner must be both concerned with her dogs health AND still allow her dog to be a dog.