Monday, July 2, 2007

Who's there?

I've had experience with dogs and screen doors. But a recent letter from Catherine DiGregorio of the Town of Poughkeepsie takes the cake.

She had just returned from exercise class around noon and was planning on having a snack and a nap when she heard a "horrendous noise like a bulldozer" slamming into her house.
"I rounded the hallway and came face to face with a huge, all-black dog. Of course, in my fear, he seemed like he was three times his size."
DiGregorio couldn't figure out how the dog got into her house and she was trying to shoo "Blackie," as she quickly named him, out the door.

Turns out, "Blackie" had crashed through her screen door.
"I ran outside to see if I could get some help. Alas, no one was around. In the meantime, Blackie was making himself right at home, roaming from room to room. He would not go near the door."
She called 911 who put her in touch with animal control, who showed up, collared the dog and identified who the owner was. DiGregorio contacted the owners the next day about the damaged door. They came by with a roll of screening and fixed the door.
"It was a nice way to meet such a lovely couple, but please 'Blackie,' if you decide to come visit me again, knock at my door and make sure you have your owners with you. It will be much easier on my nerves."
DiGregorio said you meet the nicest people when you least expect it, but offered a warning.
"You other dogs, this is not an open invitation to visit me also."
Thanks for writing and sharing your story.

Apparently "Blackie" was a little bit bigger than the dogs in this video.

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