Sunday, August 12, 2007

Didn't catch anything

Except some mosquito bites. They grow 'em big in Texas.

Got back from vacation late Friday night. Kate actually came to the door when I unlocked it. She seemed pretty happy to see me, but 15 minutes later, she was nowhere to be found.

Kate went upstairs to sleep. So much for the big homecoming.

I'm not complaining, mind you. Kate has always been a low-key dog — really low maintenance. I guess after I showed up, having been gone for a week, she was satisfied that things were back to normal.

And it's off to bed.

We are used to each other's ways, I think.

We are ... family.

An article in Self magazine and reprinted on brought out some interesting comments about whether pets are members of the family.
No, lady, they are NOT. They cannot get your groceries for you on cold days when you are sick, go to the mailbox for you, cover for you with a friend, or give you a blood transfusion if you're in some car wreck.
Agreed, pets can't do the laundry list of tasks the person says. But I don't ask Kate to do those things.

She gives me a wag of the tail, a lick of the hand and the feeling that no matter how bad things have been during the day, I'm home now and that's OK.

Not bad, really, if you stop and think about it.

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