Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Persian homecoming king?

While it's not exactly like Barbara Walter's famous "What kind of tree would you be?" question, this personality quiz tells you what kind of cat you are most like.

I'm a Persian and the results say that I was either the homecoming king or queen.

How did you fair?


Misty DawnS said...

I'm a Persian too. By the description, it fits... for the most part.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Bengal... ! Is there any way to find out the qualities of the other cats or do you have to take the quiz over again but give different answers?

Michael Woyton said...

I think you have to take the quiz over again. Too bad the site didn't provide a graphic embed so we could all compare.

Anonymous said...

I like any type of breed as long as it is a cat. Although I admire Persian cats and kittens because of its adorable look and thick fur coat like Himalayan cats, I still like the usual cat.

Anonymous said...

This works the other way too - my cat is the reincarnation of Napoleon Bonaparte. He's such a character and he has his own blog too!