Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday morning rant

I was doing some running around the other day — Kate was home sleeping — and pulled into a parking lot off of Route 9.

A woman in a black car pulled into the same lot just before I did. As I walked to one of the stores, I saw her fiddling with her security and eventually heard the beep.

I was in the store about 10-12 minutes and the woman came out of the store just after I did.

As I was walking back to my car, I noticed that there was a huge golden retriever in the back seat of the woman's car. It was panting furiously.

And no wonder — it was about 75 degrees. There was not a cloud in the sky or a tree or shaded area in the parking lot.

The window was opened about 2 or 3 inches.

Had the woman not come out of the store when she did I would have called the police. I know that when I got back in my car it was pretty toasty.

I have a suggestion for that woman:

Put on a fur coat, get in your car and sit in it for 10-15 minutes in the baking sun.

If you can't take your dog into the store with you, don't take your dog shopping.

That is all there is to it.

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