Friday, May 23, 2008

Worsening times affects pets, too

It seems the economy is continuing to take its toll on Americans. The price of gas at the station near me is at $4.06 a gallon.

The housing foreclosure crisis, which we've talked about before (here and here), is still affecting people who cannot find housing that accommodates their companion animals or, simply, cannot afford to take care of them.

The American Humane Association has some tips for homeowners, mortgage lenders and shelters that may be impacted by the crisis.

They are even offering grants to shelters and animal welfare organizations so the agencies can help care for the animals who are collateral damage in these hard times.

Some of the tips for homeowners include asking family, friends and co-workers to care for your pets while you relocate and surrendering your pets to your local animal shelter.

The association urges people not to just abandon pets or set them free. State criminal animal-cruelty laws may apply, if even you think you've left enough food and water for your pets.

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