Monday, May 11, 2009

Careful, Joe, it's difficult finding another job

President Barack Obama may have to tighten the leash on Vice President Joe Biden after the latter's remarks over the weekend.

Biden was talking to some Syracuse, N.Y., elementary students and was asked if he had ever petted a dog. The veep, never willing just to simply answer the question, waxed on and on about his dog, eventually saying that it was smarter than Bo, the president's new pooch.

See the story from the Christian Science Monitor here.
“The new dog I have is only five months old and his name is Champ,” Biden told the schoolkids.

“My dog is smarter than Bo, his dog,” he jabbed.

“I think so,” he taunted. Yeah, I do.”

Oh. My. God.

I'm guessing the lunch the prez and veep have won't be a cordial "let's go out and grab a couple of burgers" affair.

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