Monday, May 18, 2009

Clean as a (dog) whistle

A French entrepreneur has come up with what could be called a laundromutt.

He invented the Dog-O-Matic, a sort of dishwasher/car wash/dryer for pooches.

Here's the story from the Daily Mail.

For anywhere from about $20 all the way up to $47 — depending on the size of the dog being washed — the machine will wet down, soap up and dry off your Fluffy.

It takes about half an hour. The inventor, Romaine Jerry, said it doesn't harm the dog.
"It doesn't take long to wash the dog — usually a few minutes. The longest part is the drying. The dogs don't seem to get bored. They just sit there and they come out clean."
I'm not sure the dog really appreciates being cooped up in a box and having all this soap and water thrown at it.

Sort of reminds of the joke where the dog is telling his friends about the time he was stuck in the car while it went through a car wash.

"And then the thunder came from all directions. And suddenly stopped."

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