Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cat = self-cleaning oven

Yes, that is the conclusion of an article on wet cats from Good Morning America's Amazing Animals.
"They make such great drama, it's like watching daytime soap in a bucket," said Ben Huh, CEO of Of the millions of photos featured on his site, he said tens of thousands are of wet cats.

"I think it's a little bit of payback," Huh suggested. If the cat sits on your favorite black sweater and leaves fur all over it, a bath is a way to retaliate, he quipped.
Gary Norsworthy, owner of the Alamo Feline Health Center in San Antonio, said he doesn't recommend bathing cats on a regular basis.
"Cats are like ovens," he said. "They're self-cleaning."
I particularly like the self-cleaning model with the shampoo hair.

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