Monday, June 22, 2009

Someday you'll need this information

Since summer began yesterday (I know, I know, stop laughing), it's time for a reminder about the special needs pets have during the warmer months (I said, stop laughing).

Here is information from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. And if it weren't for mosquitoes the size of Volkswagens, I'd move to Minnesota, because it's probably warmer there than it is here.
• If your pet is kept outdoors, make sure he has a shaded place and plenty of fresh water to drink.

• Never keep your pet in a car, especially in direct sun, on a summer day. Even with the windows slightly open, the temperature inside the car can soar to 120 degrees or more within minutes. These conditions can kill a pet in less than 10 minutes.

• When you exercise with your dog in the summer, stop and let him drink frequently.

So, in the meantime, have fun dodging the rain drops. And remember these tips when the heat and humidity finally show up.

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