Thursday, July 30, 2009

Muffy, come home

Here's a story that will surely make you smile.

Lost dog Muffy was reunited with her owners.

After nine years.

She was found 1,200 miles away.

This is the complete story from the Associated Press.
Inspectors with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were investigating a possible animal cruelty case at a home in the southern city of Melbourne (Australia) two weeks ago when they found the fluffy white mutt sleeping outside on a scrap of cardboard, Victoria state RSPCA spokesman Tim Pilgrim said.

A microchip in Muffy's neck identified her owners, and, after a few days of searching for a current phone number, officials tracked down Natalie Lampard, who hadn't seen Muffy since the pooch disappeared from her backyard in the eastern city of Brisbane nine years ago.

The owners of the house were the dog was found said Muffy was wandering around when they took her in almost a decade ago.

If Muffy could talk, she might have some travel and survival tips we all could learn from.

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