Monday, October 12, 2009

Are pets good for you?

Researchers are looking into the ways that having pets improve our lives.

In an article in USA Today, the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction will hold a conference later this month to explore how animals benefit all age groups.
"Research in this field is providing new evidence on the positive impact pets have in our lives," said Rebecca Johnson, director of ReCHAI. "This conference will provide a unique opportunity to connect international experts working in human-animal interaction research with those already working in the health and veterinary medicine fields. A wonderful array of presentations will show how beneficial animals can be in the lives of children, families and older adults."
As we have all heard, pets help lower blood pressure and encourage exercise. They also provide, as Johnson said, "unconditional love and acceptance."

The conference is aimed at fostering more research studies to corroborate the presumption that pet ownership has health and emotional benefits.

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