Monday, February 8, 2010

Say it ain't so

Sez you!

That is my response to an article in the Daily Telegraph by Matthew Moore that said cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners.

Those of you who can read can see the entire article here.

Researchers at the University of Bristol say that the superior intelligence of cat owners is unlikely to be caused by their exposure to the famously cunning and selfish pets.

Rather, more educated people tend to work longer hours and choose a pet to fit their lifestyles. Unlike dogs, cats require no walking and can manage with little human company.

The study, in which 2,980 Britons were interviewed about pet ownership, was published in the Veterinary Record.

The popular myth of cat intelligence was dented last year with the publication of a study showing that they did worse than dogs at a simple reasoning task. Cats presented with two pieces of string, only one of which was attached to a food reward, could not tell which one to pull for their treat.

I'm sure cat owners with their "superior intelligence" would reply that the cats just chose not to be rewarded.

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