Sunday, October 21, 2007

Keeping pets safe during Halloween

While all the humans are having fun on Halloween, make sure that the critters in your lives are safe.

The American Kennel Club eNewsletter has a few suggestions about the holiday, in particular if you dress up your pets.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals also has some tips about Halloween safety for your pets.

Some hints:
Chocolate and sweets are no-nos, as we all know. But it is suggested that the dog is walked early, while it is still light. In the dark, your dog might find candy and other goodies on the street or ground.

Make sure pets are safe and secure in a room where it can't get out the door when trick or treaters stop by.

Don't leave your pets unattended outside Halloween night, even behind a fence.

Make sure your dog or cat has proper identification.

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