Saturday, October 6, 2007

Toy story

Kate has more toys than she knows what to do with.

And yet, I keep buying more.

The picture above is one of the silliest-looking toys Kate has. It's a Fat Cat Crackler. Embiggen for the full effect.

Kate still has a couple of the Crackler skunks only one of which still makes a squeaky sound.

They are supposedly indestructible, though I've been told by people that their dogs have torn through them.

Kate has more toys than she knows what to do with.

And yet, I keep buying more.

What are your pets' favorite toys? Least favorite toys?


Anonymous said...

Dead mice.

Misty DawnS said...

Molly is all about balls - she loves those Holey Rollers especially.

Tag just wants to chase farm equipment, but if he has to choose a toy, he picks a tug toy or a toy he can play with in the pond.

Maggie - well, she just wants to play with her big bro and big sis. She LOVES to steal the ball from Molly, but she doesn't want to play with it - just pick on her big sis.

Alice said...

My roommate's dog's favorite toy lately has been my feet, particularly if I'm wearing my brown fuzzy slippers.

My dog's favorite toy is anything with a squeaker she can disable and anything she can rip the stuffing out of in five seconds flat. And that covers just about every toy we buy her.