Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First thunderstorm of the spring

I got home from a meeting in East Fishkill just in the nick of time. I could see the lightning in the distance as I was driving toward Poughkeepsie.

All I was thinking was, Boy, I bet Kate is going crazy.

Well, no sooner did I get home and get inside, but the clouds opened and the rain and winds started.

Heavy rain.

Big winds.

Lots of thunder.

Kate wasn't too bad at first, but as the storm continued — and it's still going on — she got worse. Panting, pacing and staying right by my side. She even followed me down to the basement to check and see if there was any water coming in.

She never follows me down to the basement.

I don't try to console her. Everything I've read and been told says that makes it worse for her. So I just talk to her as if nothing were unusual.

March may have come in like a lion and gone out like a lamb, but April came in with a bang.

Poor Kate.


Anonymous said...

I was told by a Veterinarian, that the effect thunderstorms have on dogs stems from the static charge in the air. She said they can feel that charge on their fur, like pins and needles we feel when our limb falls asleep. However, taking a dryer softner sheet and rubbing them with it will discharge that static and prevent further build-up. I did this for my 2 Bishons and Toy Poodle and they were fine during the storm, for the first time.

Michael Woyton said...

Well, that's certainly worth trying. I'd have to use unscented dryer sheets cuz I'm allergic to the other kind.