Friday, November 21, 2008

Tips on adopting a pet

A friend sent me an e-mail from the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals, reminding people of 10 questions they should consider before adopting a pet.

Here they are:

1. Do you know that this particular breed/type of pet is right for you?
2. Are you ready to make a long-term commitment to your new pet?
3. Will you be responsible enough to provide your new pet with the appropriate food, attention and medical needs?
4. Do you travel or are you away from home often? If so, who will care for your new pet?
5. Can you spend quality time with your pet?
6. Is your home situation “pet-friendly”?
7. Are you economically stable and will be able to care for your pet?
8. Do you have other pets at home? If so, will they get along?
9. Who will the pet live with? Will your guests/family commit to the new pet as well? Do they suffer from allergies?
10. Do you have the time, energy and patience for a pet?

They are good questions, and something to think long and hard about. Getting a pet, especially at the holiday season, may not be the best of thing to do. Read No. 2 again.

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