Monday, April 19, 2010

1,000th blog entry

Believe it or not, this is my 1,000th blog posting.

My first post was March 19, 2007. How time flies.

What have I learned in the 3+ years?

I dunno.

I know that people are crazy about their pets.

I know that people spend money on their pets, more than ever before.

I know that I love my Kate, more than I did before I started this blog. If that's possible.

I know that Kate will not be here forever. And that is something I have to deal with.

I know that on Friday, Kate, who was diagnosed with renal failure in October, became disoriented, for lack of a better word, stumbling and flailing, and, if I hadn't been there, would have fallen to the floor. But I was there and was able to cushion her fall.

She recovered, only to relapse later in the evening. Same scenario.

On Saturday, I stayed close to her. She slept, drank water, didn't eat, but seemed to rally.

By the evening, she was her own self. Her own older self. She is, after all, 15 year old.

Yes, she sleeps. Yes, she has slowed down.

Yes, she is still the dog I love so much, who has given me 15 years of happiness.

She is looking at me now, as I type this. She stares at me with those big black eyes, with the touch of blue obvious at her age. Not to mention snoring.

I want her to live forever. I want her to always be there when I come home from work.

I know that isn't possible.

But I can hope, can't I?

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