Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are rabbits good pets?

Sure, they are cute and cuddly, but rabbits may not be the best pet for everyone.

So says Eric Parry, writing in the North Andover, Mass., Eagle-Tribune.

Valorie Hayes of the Salem Animal Rescue League said stuffed or chocolate rabbits are a better option.

"Hopefully, they understand the responsibility and commitment it takes," Hayes said.

She said she always refers people who want to give up a rabbit to the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals shelter in Methuen. The shelter takes in an average of 350 rabbits each year, according to Kelly Ornell, a volunteer with the MSPCA.

The article said rabbits live 8 to 12 years, and need at least three hours of out-of-cage socialization and exercise.

So if you want a rabbit, hop to it.

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