Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To your health

The Buffalo Rising blog has an interesting piece by a veterinarian about a pet's weight being reflected in how heavy its owner is.

Timm Otterson writes that as a vet he sees overweight pets daily and frequently discusses weight control.
As with people, overweight pets are at higher risk of diabetes mellitus and arthritis, and pets can even have coat problems if they are so fat they become unable to groom themselves. Limiting calories can be easier for pets (especially if you only have one pet) as you can feed a set amount of food every day, and pets can't snack on that bag of chips your colleague left in the lunch room.
He said the difficult part of weight loss — for both humans and pets — is getting enough exercise.

So get out for walks, go to dog parks and, for cats, how about cat nip and laser pointers.

Get moving, people. And pets.

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