Monday, January 19, 2009

Fashion vs. function

I looked out the window this morning and saw that the nicely cleared sidewalks from Sunday were once again covered in a layer of snow.

Then I saw the snow guys my complex hired to get rid of the stuff liberally spreading salt over the walks.

Of course, my first thought was, "Great, now Kate and I will have to do that wintertime ballet where I try to get her to avoid the salt." It usually doesn't go well, and Kate ends up limping until I can get her back inside and her paws cleaned off.

Which makes me wonder if it's time for this:

That is Roxy, my friend Kathianne's pooch. When she sent me this picture I had a couple of questions: How long did it take to get her dressed, and how long did she stay that way?

She replied:
At first, they very much did not stay on. Getting them on the first time was a bit of a, I don't want to say hassle, b/c it wasn't quite that and it was funny, but it was awkward (especially b/c I'm not good with the back paws, and i was sitting on the floor and she was kind of rolling around in my lap). And I don't think I did them tight enough the first time, b/c when we went out she lost two pretty quick. But now I feel like I've gotten the hang of it - you kind of hold her "elbow" and shimmy her foot into it (it's like a sock or a bootie, with a suede/nylon bottom and a leathery top, and a velcro strap). I make sure her pads are actually as far down as they can go, and then do the strap as tight as i can with out hurting her. The most hysterical thing ever (and I have to get this on video) is that in the house, when she's got all four on, she walks so exaggeratedly that she looks like she's trying to swim!! But she walks normal outside and the places we haven't been able to walk in the last week or so b/c of salt, she sailed right through. no limping! and with the snow this morning dylan said she was a big hit, a bunch of people were like "look at the dog with the shoes!"
You go, girl!

And Roxy, too!

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