Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday morning walk

Kate and I got out early this morning and took what turned out to be a 2-mile walk. What a great day for it, too. The top picture is Kate at mid-walk.

We crimped one poor fellow's style by walking too close behind his golden. The dog kept turning around toward Kate. She is so alluring.

He pulled off the sidewalk and let us pass. Maybe it was my imagination, as he and his dog followed us, but every time Kate stopped to sniff or pee, I could hear him sighing. ("Geez, why don't they just keep moving?")

We were approached by a woman whose yellow lab named Moose was eager to meet Kate. That's fine; Kate is a friendly dog, even if she does get her hackles up.

In my line of work, I frequently have to talk to people who don't necessarily want to be talked to. So in my off hours, I tend to steer clear of making conversation with people I don't know. But I am totally fine with someone coming up to Kate and me if they want to let the dogs sniff around for a bit.

At the end of the 45-minute walk, Kate was tuckered out. The bottom picture shows the position Kate assumed within 10 seconds of entering the house.

A tired dog makes for a happy owner.

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