Wednesday, May 2, 2007

What's cookin'

With the ongoing pet food recall controversy, more people are switching to home-made food for their dogs and cats.

The Washington Post has an article by one of its staff writers about her attempts to feed her dog. It also includes a recipe.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, feeding home cooking to your pet may not be the healthiest option. The organization issued a press release on the subject warning that your pet's nutritional needs might not be met by your own connoctions, as tasty as they may be.

AVMA President Roger Mahr is quoted in the Post article, saying if your pet is doing well on the food it's currently eating and that food hasn't been recalled, then there is no reason to change their diet. However, if you are determined to cook for Fido then, he says, you should consult with you veterinarian.

I have, on occasion, fed Kate home cooking, but only when a bland, or white diet, was recommended by my vet, usually in the wake of stomach upset. That meal consisted of poached chicken, cottage cheese and either white rice or pasta. She would scarf it up, but I certainly wouldn't want her to have that all the time.

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