Saturday, May 19, 2007

Shake, don't stir

It's that look.

This is a picture of Capo, a 3-year-old mini pin, caught in mid-shake on a sunny afternoon. My colleague Sarah sent it in. Thanks, Sarah.

Capo's expression is wonderful.

I can always tell when Kate is getting ready to shake. There's the look, and then the eyes start to squint a little and then the head starts wobbling back and forth. Then the shake begins in earnest traveling down the dog's body like a little furry tsunami, until it reaches the tail and then it's gone. At some point during the shake, everything flapped.

The trouble is, Kate will wake up several times in the middle of the night and shake.

Her metal rabies tag and ID create quite a racket. And then, of course, after a good shake, Kate will plop down on her bed and go back to sleep, but not after making a sound similar to a 50-pound bag of flour being dropped on a wood floor.

I've taken to removing the tags at night. I can still hear her, but it's less jarring.

Once, during the day, with sunlight streaming into the room in back of her, Kate shook. I know you all know how much she sheds, but to see it illuminated from behind was truly spectacular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrific photo. I love the face, obviously mid-shake!