Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another banner day at the Journal

We didn't exactly roll out the red carpet (it was more of a blanket), but Roland — belonging to Assistant Local Editor Maria Burnham — visited the information center today.

He has visited in the past, and most everyone is happy to see him.

I say most everyone, because, well, today Roland was watching me. Just watching me.

Lying there, then sitting there on his haunches.

His eyes seldom looked anywhere other than in my direction. I could feel them in the back of my head.

Always with the eyes. The eyes!

Embiggen the picture for a closer look at the eyes. The eyes! coming from under the desk.

Maybe at first it was because of the turkey sandwich I brought for lunch and was eating at my desk.

Then maybe it was the barbecued chicken sandwich I had for dinner that my colleague Larry Hertz brought me from the Hudson Valley Ribfest.

Sheesh, I thought Kate could stare.

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