Friday, August 29, 2008

Comment on Greatest American Dog

I got a comment from "anonymous" yesterday about Thursday's episode of Greatest American Dog.

Here it is:
I love your recaps of the episodes, they are a hell of a lot funnier than the episodes themselves.

I have to say this time that I was more upset than amused at the goings on in the show though. I don't care how ell trained the Elephant was , those things have a tendency to snap in captivity, not to mention that considering multiple dogs nipped at the puppies last episodes you'd think the producer wouldn't want to risk them nipping at something 100 times the dogs size.

I was shocked that it was Galaxy who got hurt and not Presley considering how much he was flailing during the zipline.

Despite thinking Galaxy is perhaps the best trained dog still left there I hope she goes home next week. There is no reason for her to have to suffer just for the sake of a game show.
I replied that I wondered if I was over-reacting to the show, but the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't shake the feeling that these TV producers, self-proclaimed dog advocates and even the dog owners are merely exploiting these trusting, loving, follow-you-anywhere pooches.

I say, shame on them. And where are the animal rights people in all this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I, too was very upset at the last show. Was it really necessary to force these dogs to do things that only stunt dogs should do (and be thoroughly trained for) just to show off their 'courage'? And I wonder if Galaxy's injury was not the result of jumping in/out of JD's arms instead of the zip line since that dog jumps quite a bit. Regardless, the show producers should have insisted on an xray right away. Shame on them all around for bad choices on challenges this week, putting those dogs in unnecessary harm's way, and failing to immediately attend to Galaxy.